The curriculum is enhanced by extra activities to inspire and motivate pupils’ learning. Additional activities include trips out, visitors to the school and visits to museums and galleries.-OfSTED 2019
At St Faith’s we are very fortunate to have a very active, able and supportive Parent Teacher Association which allows us to enjoy close links between home and school. They are also responsible for some wonderful fundraising which has helped the school enjoy a range of benefits from updated facilities and events and we have all thoroughly enjoyed the social benefits too!
As well as having a Chair of the PTA, each class has a Class Representative whose role is to pass on information about events or the school day to the parents.
There are range of events throughout the year but particular highlights include the Summer Fair, Christmas Fair, School Disco and Pancake Day to name a few.
Funds raised by the PTA are intended often ‘fun things’ that make learning more interesting and exciting rather than ‘extras’ not already provided by the school’s main income. The PTA committee and the Headteacher decide how to spend PTA funds. Common items include computers, playground equipment, and smaller purchases such as presents for Father Christmas to distribute, or lights for a Diwali celebration.
If you are interested in becoming involved in the PTA, please contact