‘Leaders have developed topics or themes to capture pupils’ interests and engage them in their learning. Where possible, subjects are linked together. This helps pupils to make meaningful connections in their learning’- OfSTED 2019
Curriculum Intent:
Geography is about developing children’s knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the world's diverse people, places and environments. At Faith’s we believe that it is important for children to understand the importance of our world and their role in taking care of it.
The St Faith’s curriculum for Geography aims to:
- Stimulate children’s interest in their surroundings and develop a knowledge and understanding of the physical and human processes which shape places
- Increase children’s knowledge of other cultures and, in so doing, teach a respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural country
- Provide learning opportunities that enthuse, engage, and motivate children to learn and foster a sense of curiosity and wonder at the beauty of the world around them
- Encourage in children a commitment to sustainable development and an appreciation of what ‘global citizenship’ means
- Make sense of their own surroundings through learning about their own locality and the interaction between people and the environment
- Develop the geographical skills, including how to use, draw and interpret maps of different scales, and the vocabulary necessary to carry out effective geographical enquiry
- Be able to apply map reading skills to globes and atlas maps and identify geographical features
- Formulate appropriate questions, develop research skills and evaluate material to inform opinions
- Enable children to work geographically in a range of appropriate contexts, using a variety of materials and equipment including other people’s experiences and knowledge
Curriculum Implementation:
Our Geography curriculum is taught:
- Using a clear progression of skills and knowledge through challenging and appropriately pitched teaching based on the EYFS Framework and National curriculum
- With engaging lessons, which are designed to promote curiosity and link with global issues such as pollution, climate change and an ever changing world
- Where the geography units are explored thoroughly, ensuring that children develop a deeper understanding and depth to their learning
- Through the understanding of key vocabulary and building on prior knowledge
- Through children accessing a range of resources to develop learning through atlases, digital technology, books, photographs and a range of maps
- Through regularly providing opportunities to develop locational knowledge and mapping skills
- By providing opportunities to experience geography through practical lessons outside of the classroom (such as school grounds and local environment) and in other areas of the curriculum
Supporting Documents and Policies:
Useful links to support children's learning: