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St Faith's CE School

Learning Together For All To Succeed

Welcome to St Faith's!


Welcome to St Faith’s Church of England Primary School!


I am proud to be the Headteacher of this ambitious school and to lead such an inspirational team.


St Faith's has a wonderful 'family' atmosphere, which provides children with a secure and happy environment in which to learn and develop. Our core values of kindness, trust and courage are reflected each day through the positive relationships that exist between both children and adults.


'Learning together, for all to succeed'


We are committed to ensuring that all children develop as confident and enthusiastic learners, who are well prepared for secondary school and life-long learning. Our high quality learning environment and well-designed curriculum ensures that children develop positive self-esteem, high achievement, respect for themselves and others, and ample opportunities to express and develop their creativity.


St Faith’s is a thriving church school where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the centre of all we do.  We have strong links with St Anne's Church; Reverend Cecile, Vicar at St Anne's is actively involved in school life.


Christian collective worship is a significant part of our school’s daily life. A weekly highlight is our 'Family Worship' on Friday mornings where all families are invited to join collective worship and celebrate children's achievements.


You will be interested to know that we provide wraparound care for working parents. Our breakfast club is open at 7:45am each day. We also offer an after school club until 6:30pm. In addition, there are a wide range of extra curricular clubs on offer.


Our most recent parent survey confirms that we have much to celebrate at St. Faith’s with 100% of parents reporting that their child is happy at St Faith's.


Please take a look at our recent Ofsted inspection report.


I hope that our website provides a flavour of life at St Faith's, but why not come and see for yourself? I would be delighted to show you around our beautiful learning environment and talk to you about what St Faith's can offer your child.


Kind regards,

Julie De Silva
