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St Faith's CE School

Learning Together For All To Succeed

Curriculum Maps


Leaders have given much consideration to planning the curriculum. They have developed topics or themes to capture pupils’ interests and engage them in their learning.- Ofsted 2019



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5/6

Autumn A


Marvellous Me


Toy Time

Let us go on a Safari!

The World Around Me

The Tudors

Eccentric Egyptians

Autumn B


A Splash of Colour


Where do I live?

Soldiers that Helped Us!

The Windrush


Environment: What does that mean to me?

Spring A


On the Move


Great Explorers



Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole

Can you feel the heat?

The Almighty Anglo-Saxons

Treasure Island

Spring B


People Who Help Us


Weather, Weather Everywhere!

Fire! Fire! Fire!

The Kingdom of Benin

It’s Electric!

Chaos Coastlines

Summer A


All creatures great and small


The Great Outdoors

Our World

A Taste of France

Exploring the Rainforests


We will Rock You!

Summer B


Under the Sea


Beside the Seaside

Let’s visit Asia

A Victorian Childhood

A Glimpse of Brazil





Curriculum Overview

At St Faith’s, we have designed our curriculum to meet the National Curriculum objectives whilst ensuring children have the opportunity to experience interesting, relevant topics.

Class Maps