Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Governing Board has a right to discuss, question and refine proposals while respecting the professional roles of the Headteacher and other staff, and their responsibilities for the management of the school. In its turn, the Governing Board answers for its actions, above all, to parents and the wider local community for the school’s overall performance. The Governing Board has to comply with regulations set out by the Department of Education and is required to appoint a chair and vice-chair. The Governing Board is also required to meet at least three times a year at Full Governing Board meetings that generally take place near the beginning of each term.
The responsibilities of the Governing Board include assisting in the setting of targets for pupil achievement, managing the school finances, ensuring that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, appointing senior staff, admissions and reviewing staff pay and performance. Some of these functions are discussed at separate committee meetings of the Governing Board, with governors selecting which committee/s they participate in, depending on the contribution they are able to make. Each committee has an agreed remit (known as Terms of Reference) and annual work planner.
Currently there are four committees at St Faith’s:
- Resources
- Teaching and Learning
- Children, Families and Community
- Admissions
Each of these committees meets at least once a term, sometimes more frequently, has specific Terms of Reference and reports to all governors at the termly Full Governing Board meeting. The minutes from these committee meetings are public documents and can be viewed by request at the school office.
Link Governors
In addition to the broad role of the Governing Board and its appointed committees, link governors work with members of the School Leadership Team to understand and support the development of the school and act as a conduit to the wider world to enhance the delivery of the whole school experience for the children of St Faith’s.
Governors welcome feedback from the whole school community and we want you to tell us what you think about how we are doing.
- If you have any comments or concerns about our school, any of the governors would be happy to hear from you via the office.
- If you wish to make a complaint about an issue at the school then you need to speak to the Headteacher.
- If you are still not satisfied, then the matter can be raised with the Chair of Governors.
To contact the Chair of Governors please email the chair of Governing Board, via and it will be passed onto them, You can also leave any communication for governors in the school office.