We believe that children’s education is so much more than academic learning and we put a great value and emphasis on developing the whole child and taking care of their wellbeing, so that every child feels included and appreciated as an individual.
Safety is paramount and our school team work efficiently to help ensure that children are well, safe and secure. Fostering a sense of belonging and achievement is essential before they can achieve personal growth and self actualisation.
As a small, community school we are in a fortunate position to work closely with children and their parents/ carers so that we can quickly pick up on any issues around well-being and respond promptly to the matter – with care, thought, generosity, experience, expertise and creativity.
Being healthy and understanding what makes us healthy – both physically and emotionally – is an essential part of the curriculum and is taught through our PSHE lessons, where we use 'Jigsaw' materials. There is a strong emphasis on healthy and respectful relationships, reinforced in RSE lessons and this permeates all the work we do throughout school, in line with our core vision and values.
Pupils are encouraged to recognise and name emotions from EYFS through to Key Stage 2 and systems have been designed to equip children to recognise their own emotions, such as 'zones of regulation'.
In addition we have an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) trained member of staff who works with children when the need arises to offer support.
Children learn about keeping bodies healthy through science and PE lessons. Healthy eating is
reinforced by the fresh food which is served daily and our healthy packed lunch policy. In Key Stage 1 children are offered fruit every playtime and under 5’s have milk.
Our behaviour policy is consistent and well communicated with pupils, staff and their families. There is an emphasis on developing and recognising positive behaviour and whole school reward systems such as House Points underpin this. Weekly Stars of the Week serve to reward pupils' achievements and promote school values.
Class teachers and other staff are readily available to communicate with children and parents. Furthermore, we ask that parents and carers keep us regularly informed about anything happening outside of school which may effect the child emotionally or physically. Indeed, the emotional well-being and health of the children is paramount to us.
If you would like to know more about this at all, please do not hesitate to be in touch at any time.