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St Faith's CE School

Learning Together For All To Succeed



Pupils are consistently improving their mathematical understanding of concepts. Teachers apply a consistent approach so that pupils have opportunities to complete fluency, problem-solving and reasoning activities.- OfSTED 2019

Curriculum Intent:

At St Faith’s, we follow the ‘Teaching for Mastery approach' which allows all children to develop a deep understanding of the new concepts being taught. 


The St Faith’s curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils will:


  • To develop a positive attitude towards mathematics
  • To become confident and proficient with number and provide a curriculum to ensure that all children have a secure foundation of maths skills
  • To develop their problem solving and reasoning skills in order to develop a deeper understanding
  • To develop their use of mathematical language
  • To be able to make link between concepts and apply their knowledge to real life contexts


Curriculum Implementation: 

We deliver our mastery curriculum using White Rose Maths resources, where every maths concept is broken down into small, connected steps, building on children’s prior knowledge. When learning a new concept, children will use the concrete- pictorial- abstract model:


Concrete: using hands on manipulatives (counters, cubes etc.) to introduce a concept

Pictorial: using pictures and drawings to represent the concept in a variety of ways

Abstract: understanding problems written in the form of calculations e.g. 4 x 4 = 12


Throughout maths lessons, children are constantly discussing what they are learning with their partners allowing them to more deeply explore each mathematical concepts. Each lesson has a 3-task structure where children will complete fluency, reasoning and problem-solving activities.  The fluency questions allow children to practise their basic understanding and skills within the learning and the reasoning and problem-solving tasks gives the children opportunities to explain their understanding and be given the chance to relate their learning to real life examples.  All children are challenged through carefully planned questions, which aim to deepen their understanding.  Each lesson has a St Faith’s Challenge, which is used to deepen their learning further and ensure that more able children stay engaged.


For further information please click on the below links:

Maths Pupil Voice:


We asked the children what they thought of maths at St Faith's. All the children said that they like maths, most of them love maths. Not one child said that they didn't enjoy maths. 

Great positivity and really lovely feedback from our learners!


' Maths is fun and challenging at St Faith's'. (Year 3 pupil)


'There is always something new to learn in maths and you build on what you already know'. (Year 5 pupil)


'I love learning about the different mathematical signs and working out the calculations.' (Year 2 pupil)


'I enjoy the St Faith's challenge and there are always lots of challenging questions.' (Year 4 pupil)


'I enjoy completing  the fun challenges: they are always fun!' (Year 6 pupil)



Useful Websites: