School Key Priorities
‘Leaders, including governors, ensure that pupils are at the heart of all decision-making at St. Faith’s’- Ofsted 2019
Each year, the Senior Leadership team formulates a School Strategic Plan, which is regularly reviewed. This is shared and discussed with all staff during our September INSET Day(s) and approved by governors at the first full governing board meeting of the academic year.
The Strategic Plan is organised around the Ofsted framework, with key targets for each of their five areas:
Quality of Education – intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum (all areas)
Behaviour and attitudes – relationships and safety, attitudes to learning and attendance
Personal development – experiences across the curriculum, healthy lifestyles and mental health, children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural experiences, British Values and citizenship
Leadership and management – policies and practices, engagement with stakeholders, governance, safeguarding and disadvantaged pupils
The Quality of Early Years – intent, implementation and impact throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The targets we devise for each of these areas are generated as a result of a range of monitoring and evaluation activities, for example, progress and attainment data, discussions with pupils, scrutiny of children’s work, visits to lessons, learning walks around the school and feedback from parents or external advisers.
Please see below for the key priorities we are working on this year at St Faith's.