'Leaders have developed topics or themes to capture pupils’ interests and engage them in their learning. Where possible, subjects are linked together. This helps pupils to make meaningful connections in their learning’- OfSTED 2019
Curriculum Intent
At St Faith's the aim of our Art lessons is to inspire children to have the confidence to work creatively - and importantly, to have the core skills to be able to do this. These core skills are taught progressively from Nursery to Year 6 and we aim that these will stay with the children throughout their education and into their lives as adults.
The St Faith’s curriculum for Art aims to:
- Instil in the children a curiosity and confidence to experiment and learn new skills to work creatively to express a range of ideas
- Develop an interest to work with a range of media
- Understand the values of other cultures by an understanding of their artwork
- Learn about other artists from our own country and from other parts of the world and how these may have influenced our own work and how Art can form a meaningful part of our lives today
- Develop a knowledge of different formats from photo realistic representations to more abstract effects in 2D and 3D format
- Develop in children the skills of enquiry, research, experimentation, annotation, evaluation and presentation in different formats and media
- Develop a more project based approach to encourage perseverance and the development of skills and ideas
Curriculum Implementation:
Our Art curriculum is taught:
- Through engaging lessons, which allows Art to become a meaningful part of their life and across the curriculum with a holistic approach
- Through children exploring a range of resources from pencils, charcoals, pastels, inks, paint to clay and textiles.
- Through carefully sequenced lessons that demonstrate progression, building upon prior knowledge and enabling children to apply new learning that also links to other learning experiences
- To inspire children’s questions about the subject and how to work creatively with core skills
- To refer to other artists to support how and children understand the artistic process and how different periods of art link together and relate to the culture and history of the time
- Through the understanding and use of key vocabulary
- Through visits and activities where children are able to develop a greater understanding and hands on experience
- Through working in our specialist Art Room to inspire them with the work of other pupils and artists
- With specialist teachers in school and also externally through Creative Wandsworth
- Through exhibiting work both in school and in the local community to build a sense of pride and purpose
Most recently, some of our work can be seen at St Anne's Church and before that at Southside, the local shopping centre.
We are very proud of our artwork here at St Faith's and hope you will be too.
Here is what some pupils have said:
"My favourite project was the Coastal project which linked to our reading book in English and our Geography work. We started off using pencils, sketching and mark making and then went on to use colour and finally to make a clay relief tablet. It was so interesting to see how it all developed and how I became better at drawing and understanding coasts, landscapes and how to create a composition in different materials."
"We do drawing but not just that as we try out different materials such as foil, card, plastics, clay paint, oil and chalk pastels. Art is good because of the way we are inspired by other artists, our class mates and the teachers."
"It's fun to draw with a range of materials and colours. My most memorable was when we painted and drew images of Tutankhamun which linked to what we learnt in History."
Useful Links:
Art Policy
Art Skills and Progression Map
More images of how we learn Art
Pupils' work