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St Faith's CE School

Learning Together For All To Succeed

Early Reading/Phonics


At St Faith's, we have chosen the 'Read Write Inc' systematic, synthetic phonics (SSP) programme to teach early reading and spelling. This is a DfE validated phonics programme.



Please click below for a useful parent guide to Read Write Inc phonics. Please scroll down to view the videos.


Using RWI, we aim to teach build secure phonetic knowledge, which supports children to read and spell effortlessly so that they can read and write fluently, accurately, and with confidence.

Through Read, Write Inc lessons children will:

 • learn 70+ sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts

 • learn to read words using ‘Fred Talk’ (sounding words out) to start, then as they progress without ‘Fred Talk’

 • learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent 70+ sounds.

• learn to spell words by saying the sounds in ‘Fred Talk’

• learn to spell and read common exception words

• read pseudo- words (known as ‘alien words’ ) in preparation for the Year 1 phonics screening test

• write simple and complex sentences


The RWI scheme advocates that phonics lessons should be delivered using the 5 Ps:

 • Pace – good pace is essential to the lesson

• Praise/Positive Teaching – children learn more effectively in a positive climate

• Purpose – every part of the lesson has a specific purpose

• Participation - all children take part in all parts of the lesson. Full participation is gained through choral response.

• Passion – this is a very prescriptive programme. It is the energy, enthusiasm and passion that group leaders put into the lesson that bring the teaching and learning to life!

The Teaching Sequence

Five RWI lessons are taught daily and each lesson lasts for approximately 30 minutes. RWI lessons start with learning a new sound or reviewing a previously taught sound. Pupils then learn how to apply their grapheme/phoneme knowledge to read real simple words – initially sounding out these words and then progressing onto speedy reading of words as well as reading ‘alien’ words. They also learn how to read irregular words and multisyllabic words.  The final part of the teaching sequence encourages pupils to write confidently, with a focus on spelling quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds taught in words, correct vocabulary and grammar and acquiring good handwriting.


Reception and Key Stage 1 children are integrated for their RWI lessons. This allows children in Reception that are making rapid progress to be taught in homogenous groups. We make sure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and ‘tricky words’ so that they experience success and gain confidence in reading. Children are able to see themselves as ‘readers’.


Please read our Phonics policy below to find out more about how phonics is taught at St Faith's.

Phonics Policy