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St Faith's CE School

Learning Together For All To Succeed

Our School Day

The gates on Alma Road and Ebner Street open at 8:30am. There are senior leaders in the playground each morning.

Parents and carers are asked to wait with their children outside classrooms until the bell rings and teachers open doors to greet children.


School begins at 8:40am and registration is taken.

Any children who arrive after 8:40am will be marked as late.


The school day ends at 3:10pm.

Both gates will be open from 3:05pm to allow parents and carers to enter the playground.

Daily Routines at St Faith's

7:45am – Breakfast club opens


8:30am  – The school gates for Ebner Street and Alma Road open. Members of the Senior Leadership Team will be in the playground to welcome parents and children.


The school day for the children starts at 8:40am when the school bell rings and the class room doors are opened and the children are welcomed by class teachers. Parents may share any important news with the teacher or teaching assistant, but the doors to classes close at promptly as the school day has started.

Registers are taken in the classrooms followed by the first lesson of the day.


After the morning sessions, whole school Collective Worship takes place at 10:30am daily. On Friday Family Worship takes place at 8:50am am where all parents are warmly invited to share in our learning successes and celebrations.


Playtime is at 10:45-11:00am.


Lunchtimes are staggered with the Foundation Stage children starting from 12:00. KS1 lunchtime starts at 12:15 and is at 12:45 for children inKS2.


At 3:05pm both gates will open to allow parents and carers into the playground where they can wait for their children. The children are dismissed at 3:10pm. This provides a second daily opportunity for parents to speak with teachers and find out about their child’s day. Again members of the Senior Leadership team will be available in the playground for parents to talk to.

Please see the important letter from Mrs De Silva regarding changes to the school day from September 2023.